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    KC Lenard

    Bringing history into the now...


    KC Lenard is a historical-fiction author who travels to foreign lands to be inspired by ancient stories that have yet to be told. Her adventures have taken her to exciting corners of the globe, such as Madagascar, France, Thailand, Egypt, Ireland, and Peru. KC is a writer of the night; when most of the world around her is in deep slumber, she is creating and weaving inspiring worlds of yesterday. The latest of evenings...

    Author’s Blog

    A monthly blog post that gives readers a look into the research, writing, editing, and publishing process of creating a historical-fiction novel. KC Lenard discusses her writing process, behind the scenes stories of bringing her ideas to the page, and shares images of her reseach travels. This is where the reader experiences the ins and outs of KC Lenard's current world.

    Back Story

    Isn't it interesting, how life can change course with one single event? I awoke one bright and sunny morning from a dream, and in that fleeting moment, a character was born that would later become Catherine Dyar. The dream awakened within me an exciting new realm of creativity. The whispers of this character transported me into a world that I had never known. Catherine wanted her story revealed to...


    Q: Does KC Lenard have pets?
    A: KC has one dog. Her male English bulldog, Sgt. Skip, that everyone calls Sarge. A devoted canine from morning until night, their daily walks together break up the various writing projects. Sarge is the neighborhood mascot and never meets a stranger. He brings joy and smiles everywhere he goes.


    Keep in Touch

    If you have any questions, please feel free to drop KC a line. If you don’t get an answer immediately, KC might just be traveling for her latest research on the newest idea for a historical-fiction book. She will get back to you as soon as she can. That’s a promise!